Thursday, September 10, 2009

things i love. food and stuff edition.

if, given the choice, i'd probably spend the better part of my life sitting in coffee shops and cafes having a drink. even if it's water. it makes me unbelievably happy.

has anyone heard of yogurtville? the walls are covered with frozen yogurt machines where you fill up your cup with whatever flavor(s) you want and then put whatever toppings from the topping bar you want. so yum! [i chose chocolate with m&ms, reeses peanut butter cups and sprinkles.]

how do you feel about cakes with pictures on them? sometimes you end up with the side of someone's head on top of your piece. creepy.

and finally, let's all have a round of applause for teamwork. :)


i hate hearing when my friends are going through tough shit. i want to scoop them up and buy them some coffee and hug them and hold them and make them laugh until everything bad fades away.

even if it means having a twenty minute conversation with them where we speak with jersey yiddish accents about how we are going to write our own version of the king arthur legend. we're calling "king arthursteinowitz and the knights of the mazzo ball table".
